How to Ask for Help
Materials: n/a
Preparation for Culturally Appropriate Social Behavior
Age: 3 - 6
Preparation: None
Invite a small group and a child expert to sit with you. The child expert will ask you for help in the lesson.
Explain that you will show them what to do if they need to ask for help.
Child expert says, “Excuse me (adult’s name), would you please help me tie my apron?”
Answer that you can, the child responds with a thank you, and you offer, “You are welcome.”
Model a different scenario telling the children sometimes you won’t be able to help.
Child expert says, “(Adult’s name) would you please help me tie my apron?”
Answer that you are sorry you are not available, but they can ask the other adult or a friend.
The child responds with a thank you and you reply.
Invite the children to act it out on both sides, with both scenarios.
Summarize the lesson and dismiss the children to work.
Points of Interest:
How to respond when you get the yes or a no answer to asking for help.
Following Exercises:
Asking for something.
Pedagogical Notes:
You need to change the words for the interactions that are most appropriate for your setting.
On another day you will present a scenario where the child is asking for something.