How to Ask for Help

Materials: n/a


  • Independence

  • Preparation for Culturally Appropriate Social Behavior

Age: 3 - 6

Preparation: None


  • Invite a small group and a child expert to sit with you. The child expert will ask you for help in the lesson.

  • Explain that you will show them what to do if they need to ask for help. 

  • Child expert says, “Excuse me (adult’s name), would you please help me tie my apron?”

  • Answer that you can, the child responds with a thank you, and you offer, “You are welcome.”

  • Model a different scenario telling the children sometimes you won’t be able to help. 

  • Child expert says, “(Adult’s name) would you please help me tie my apron?”

  • Answer that you are sorry you are not available, but they can ask the other adult or a friend.

  • The child responds with a thank you and you reply.

  • Invite the children to act it out on both sides, with both scenarios.

  • Summarize the lesson and dismiss the children to work.

Points of Interest:

  • How to respond when you get the yes or a no answer to asking for help.

Following Exercises:

  • Asking for something.

Pedagogical Notes:

  • You need to change the words for the interactions that are most appropriate for your setting.

  • On another day you will present a scenario where the child is asking for something.


Picking up Something that Someone Let Fall


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