How to Pass by Someone
Materials: n/a
Preparation for Culturally Appropriate Social Behavior
Age: 3 - 6
Preparation: The children have needed to find a way around someone
Invite a small group and a child expert to sit with you.
Explain that you will show them what to do if they need to pass by someone and there isn’t much room.
Child expert stands in the tight spot in the classroom.
Walk up to the child, “Excuse me (child’s name), may I pass by?”
The child responds, “Certainly” and moves aside.
Walk by and thank them.
Child expert responds.
Switch roles with the child expert and repeat.
Invite each of the children to play both roles.
When they are done summarize the lesson and dismiss to work.
Points of Interest:
Waiting for the person to step aside.
Knowing the words to say.
Following Exercises:
Passing through the doorway
Pedagogical Notes:
You need to change the words for the interactions that are most appropriate for your setting.
Present the lesson in an area in the room where you see children pushing to get by one another.