Sandpaper Numbers
A set of figures, 0-9, each cut out of sandpaper and mounted on a separate card
A Box
Sensitizing fingertips exercise
To introduce the child to the symbols for the numbers already known
A preparation for writing
Age: 3 ½ – 4 ½
Preparation: The child has worked with the Number Rods and the child has worked with the Sandpaper Letters
Invite the child for a lesson on the Sandpaper Numerals and to sensitize the two fingers of the dominant hand.
Invite the child to bring the box of Sandpaper Numerals to the table.
Remove three numerals from the box (do not present zero yet as the child has not had experience with zero at this point).
Place the three numerals in a stack face-down on the right side of the table.
Turn one numeral over and place it in front of the child.
Holding the card steady with the left hand, trace the numeral and then say the name of the numeral. Repeat two more times.
Invite the child to trace the numeral and say its name.
Turn the card over and place it at the left edge of the table.
Repeat in this manner of introduction for the other two.
Turn the cards over and proceed with a Three-period lesson including tracing in the second period commands.
If the child would like, you may present three more numerals.
Control of Error: When the fingers slip off the sandpaper.
Following Exercises
Bring Me Distance Game: The numerals will be laid at random on a table across the room from the teacher. Ask the child to trace and then bring a specific numeral.
Group Game: For the older child- Gather a small group and spread out the numerals face-down. Each child takes a card and takes turns saying the name of their numeral.
Sand Tray: Tracing the numerals in a tray of shallow sand may help a child who has difficulty tracing.
Blank Chalkboard: Bring five numerals to the table and invite the child to trace one with their fingers and then to write it with chalk on the board. You do not model number formation.
Grid Chalkboard: Invite the child to write the numbers on the grid patterned chalkboard. Bring an assortment of numerals for the child to trace and then write in the squares.
Paper: Invite the child to practice number writing on blank paper and then on grid patterned paper.
Pedagogical Notes:
“The child has to touch these numbers repeatedly, tracing them in the direction in which they are written, while pronouncing their name: one, two, three, etc. In this way the shape of the digit remains engraved in the memory together with its name and, at the same time, the hand reproduces each one, that is, by writing it” (Montessori, Psychoarithmetic, 2016, p. 6).
Trace the numerals exactly as you write them-top to bottom. We are creating muscle memory of correct number formation.
Emphasize lifting the fingers to make the second line of the four.
The eight is made like an infinity sign in an ‘s’ shape.
Keep track of numerals you have presented. This can be incorporated onto the child’s Sandpaper Letter record card.
Wait to introduce zero until after the child has worked with the spindle boxes.
Placing them on a piece of black fabric for the exercise can help a child who has difficulty recalling the numerals.
Do not be concerned if some of the numbers are written backwards, this is developmentally appropriate. Encourage the children to continue to trace and reinforce correct tracing. Most children will eventually write them correctly without additional intervention needed.