Number Rods With Numerals


  • 10 wooden cards with the numerals 1 -10

  • A Box

  • A Rug


  • Association of the concrete quantities with the written symbols and the names for the numbers 1-10

  • Introduce the sequence of number symbols

  • Following Exercise:  A direct preparation for addition and an indirect preparation for subtraction & multiplication

Age: 4 – 4 ½


  • The child has worked with the Number Rods

  • The child can confidently recall all the Sandpaper Numerals


  • Invite the child for a presentation on the Number Rods with Numerals.

  • Invite the child to lay out a rug and to help bring the Number Rods.

  • Place the rods randomly utilizing the entire rug space.

  • Invite the child to bring the box of numerals to the rug.

  • Mix up the numerals and have the child identify them one at a time. (You may name the number 10 for the child if they do not know it).

  • Stack them up and place them face-down. 

  • Turn one over, identify the number and model locating the rod, counting it and placing the number propped up against the far-right end.  Model for two rods. 

  • Invite the child to continue and encourage them to count the rods. If the child seems to be placing the cards without issue, fade and observe.  Return when the child is finished.

  • Invite the child to mix the numerals and to do the exercise as many times as they like or to return it to the shelf.

Control of Error:  When the last Number Rod available does not match the last number card.

Following Exercises

  • Count the Rod and Find the Card:  Number Rods and a memory marker are placed on one rug and the numerals on a table across the room.  The child will select a rod, place the memory marker beside it, and count it.  Then they will locate the numeral from the table that matches.  The numeral is brought to the rug and placed against the rod. Continue for all the rods.

  • Turn the Card and Find the Rod: Number Rods are randomized on one rug and the numerals are placed on another rug, face-down, across the room. The child will turn over a numeral, find the matching Number Rod and bring it to the numeral to make the match.  Continue for all the numerals.

  • Rods in Sequence: 

    • After the child had brought the rods, placed randomly, to the rug, invite them to put them in order at the top of the rug.

    • Spread the cards, face up, at random on the lower portion of the rug.

    • Touch the rod representing one with flat fingers, say the name of the rod (one).

    • Find the card and set it against the rod of one and say its name (one).

    • To continue counting, point to the placed card, say its name (one) and then touch the last segment of the second rod and say its name (two).

    • Place the card for two at the end of the rod and say its name (two)

    • Repeat for the three and then turn over to the child.

    • Invite the child to count with you as you point to the cards one to ten and then ten to one.

    • Move the cards to the lower portion of the rug at random and invite the child to count and place them.

  • Impression of Addition:

    • Invite the child to build the stair with some space between each rod and then to place the numerals at the ends.  

    • Point to the rod representing nine and ask the child if there is anything that can be placed at its end to make it as long as the ten.  Allow the child to make the discovery.

    • Place the rod for one and its card at the end of the rod of nine.  Move the numeral of ten down to the right of the combined rods of nine and one. Articulate the equation, “Nine and one is 10!”

    • Point to the rod representing eight and ask the child what can be placed at its end to make it as long as the ten. Repeat the pattern from above until get to the rod of five.

    • When you get to the rod representing five, explain that you need another five to make it as long as the ten. Turn it end over end so it is aligned on the right with the other combinations of ten.  Place the numeral of five against the right end and move the numeral of ten down next to it.

    • To return the rods: Explain to the child that if there were ten and you put five back, there would only be five.  Turn the rod representing five back to its original position at the left side of the rug and move the numeral of five back to the right end of the rod.

    • Move the numeral of ten up.  Explain to the child that if there were ten and you put four back there would be six left.  Return the rod representing four to its original place on the rug and move its numeral back to the right end of the rod. Repeat for the rest.

Pedagogical Notes:

  • Returning to the Number Rods with the addition of the Numerals adds a new and novel to the material. The child is solidifying their understanding of the numbers one to ten through this work.

  • If the child brings the rods to the rug in order, sit with them and mix the rods.

  • The stair is the physical representation of the sequence 1-10.  


Sandpaper Numbers


Spindle Boxes