Teen Boards with Beads
All the material of the previous two presentations:
Colored Beads 1 - 9 (Short Bead Stair)
9 Golden Bars of 10
Teen Boards (Seguin Boards) consisting of two boards with 5 spaces each
One board has 10 printed five times and the other has 10 printed four times with a blank space at the bottom
9 wooden cards with the numerals 1-9 printed on them - these slip into the slots of each space over the zeros of the tens
A Rug
Purpose: Association of the quantity, name and symbol for numbers 11-19
Age: 4 - 5
Preparation: Both following exercises from the Teen Beads and the Teen Boards
Invite the child for the lesson, to bring a rug, and both of you secede who bring the beads and the boards.
Layout the boards with the beads at the top left. Number cards are placed at the top right.
Have the child build the bead stair (including the tens).
Place a ten bar to the left of the first ten on the board. And say, “10”. Slide your finger below the numeral of the 10 and say, “10”
Place a red bead at the top right of the ten bar and say, “one” and “one” slide in the one card from the right side of the 10.
Count the beads, slide the fingers under the number as you say the number, “eleven”.
Repeat this pattern of quantity, symbol, quantity, symbol, and count for twelve and thirteen.
Let the child take over for the rest. Fade and observe if the child is doing well.
Once the child is complete, invite them to mix them up and do this as many times as they like.
Control of Error: None. The child’s knowledge of 11-19 will guide them.
Following Exercises:
Extended Second Period: The color beads and the cards will be on the rug in a random order. The guide will dictate a number in random order for the child to build with beads and cards from top to bottom on the boards.
Extended Third Period: The child will place the number card to match a quantity of beads the guide places.
Pedagogical Notes:
Once this is presented, the child should be taking it frequently, so they get through all the teens work over a period of a couple of weeks. We don’t want to drag this out because the child will become bored.