Teen Boards with Beads


  • All the material of the previous two presentations:

  • Colored Beads 1 - 9 (Short Bead Stair)

  • 9 Golden Bars of 10

  • Teen Boards (Seguin Boards) consisting of two boards with 5 spaces each

  • One board has 10 printed five times and the other has 10 printed four times with a blank space at the bottom

  •  9 wooden cards with the numerals 1-9 printed on them - these slip into the slots of each space over the zeros of the tens

  • A Rug

Purpose: Association of the quantity, name and symbol for numbers 11-19

Age: 4 - 5

Preparation:  Both following exercises from the Teen Beads and the Teen Boards


  • Invite the child for the lesson, to bring a rug, and both of you secede who bring the beads and the boards. 

  • Layout the boards with the beads at the top left.  Number cards are placed at the top right. 

  • Have the child build the bead stair (including the tens). 

  • Place a ten bar to the left of the first ten on the board. And say, “10”. Slide your finger below the numeral of the 10 and say, “10”

  • Place a red bead at the top right of the ten bar and say, “one” and “one” slide in the one card from the right side of the 10. 

  • Count the beads, slide the fingers under the number as you say the number, “eleven”.

  • Repeat this pattern of quantity, symbol, quantity, symbol, and count for twelve and thirteen.

  • Let the child take over for the rest.  Fade and observe if the child is doing well.

  • Once the child is complete, invite them to mix them up and do this as many times as they like.

Control of Error:  None. The child’s knowledge of 11-19 will guide them. 

Following Exercises:

  • Extended Second Period: The color beads and the cards will be on the rug in a random order. The guide will dictate a number in random order for the child to build with beads and cards from top to bottom on the boards.  

  • Extended Third Period: The child will place the number card to match a quantity of beads the guide places. 

Pedagogical Notes:

  • Once this is presented, the child should be taking it frequently, so they get through all the teens work over a period of a couple of weeks. We don’t want to drag this out because the child will become bored.


Teen Boards


Ten Boards with Beads and Cards