Reading Analysis Stage 2:  Simple Sentences 


  • Box of analysis symbols which includes black arrows with questions for subject and object (up to 6), red circles for the verb (up to 3), black circles which correspond in size to the circles for subject and object on the First Analysis Chart, (up to 3 each)

  • The First Analysis Chart

  • A mixed set of prepared sentences representing all the levels presented in Stage 1

  • Scissors 

  • Basket for cut-up slips


  • To help the child become aware of the groups of words in a sentence.

  • Total reading, which includes comprehension of the meaning as well as the emotion and awareness of style.

  • Awareness of syntax (word order).

  • Practice in Reading.

Age: 5 ½ and up

Preparation: The child has worked with all Reading Analysis Stage 1 patterns

Parallel: The child is also working with the Definitions in Three Stages and Word Study.


  • Invite the child for the lesson, bring the box of circles and arrows. You will bring the basket and the envelope.

  • Open the box and introduce the items.  Have the child read the arrows as you organize them at the top of the table. Line up the circles

  • Remove a pack of slips from the envelope.

  • Give one to the child to read and invite them to act it out (they do not have to if they do not want to).

  • Ask what we find first.

  • The child cuts out the action word and places on the red circle

  • Place the left arrow and have the child read it

  • Show the child the subject will go on the large black circle and place at the end of the arrow

  • Place the right pointed arrow and have the child read it

  • Place the object on a medium-sized black circle

  • Have the child read (No transposition)

  • Place the slips to the basket and repeat encouraging the child to be as independent as possible. Sit with them for a few and then fade and observe.


Control of Error: None, the child’s own logic

Following Exercises:

  • Sentence Analysis Chart 1: Once the child works with confidence, offer Sentence Analysis Chart #1.  It is limiting though-should there be more than one subject or predicate or objects, the child can stack them up on the chart.

  • Sentences:  The child can write their own sentences, cut them apart and analyze them. Writing can be done on the paper strips provided in the aides to handwriting work

Pedagogical Notes:

  • Everything in this stage is familiar to the child from Stage 1. Now they use their experience to work through the sentences. The questions on the arrows support the child’s independence in this work.

  • Stage 2 is a way for the child to practice and test themselves in a more self-guided way.

  • Circles: The red circle is very familiar.  The black circles represent the nouns and are black because the noun triangle is black.  The largest circle is the predicate (action word), then subject then object (the size relates to the importance of the word in the sentence). This does not need to be explained to the child.

  • Using the loose arrows and circles help the child manipulate and pull apart the sentences. With their use they can reinforce the construction of the sentence and the asking of the essential questions.  

  • The repetition in this activity is what helps the child build the mental mechanism needed for the Sentence Analysis work after Primary.


Reading Analysis Stage 1: Simple Sentences


Reading Analysis Stage 3: Simple Sentences with Extensions