Musical Staff II


  • The bells, a mallet, the bell table (another table is necessary to place the staff on), 

  • Musical staff #2 (with the lines and spaces only)

  • 8 black notes with the names of the pitches of the C major scale on one side and the numerals 1-8 on the other side

  • 2 sets of white notes with the names of the pitches on one side and blank on the other side 

  • A set of black notes that are black on both sides

  • Extra black ledger lines


  • To see how the notes of the staff can be translated into scales or melodies

  • To show that scales and melodies can be written with notes on the staff

  • Preparation for musical composition

  • Preparation for reading and writing music

Age: 4 ½ - 5

Preparation: Work with the Musical Staff I


Presentation 1: Introduction 

  • Compare staff I and staff II.  

  • Ask the child to play the ascending and descending scale.

  • Ask the child to play the bell and place the note below it for each.

  • Write the notes on the staff: Play the C, say its name, and place it on its space on the staff. Continue for the rest

  • Looking back and forth from the bells to the staff, name the note and then play the corresponding bell.

  • Place the notes back in front of their corresponding bell and invite the child to place them on the staff.

  • When they are done, invite them to play what they wrote. 

  • Show the child to compare their work to the Staff I by turning over the notes.

Control of Error: Musical Staff I

Presentation 2: Making a Random Melody

  • Take out the white notes and place them in a container (basket) as well as leger lines.

  • Musical Staff II will be on the side table.

  • Introduce the new white notes, the name is on the front, but there is no number on the back.

  • Pull one out, say the name, place it on its line on the staff, and ring the bell.

  • Continue in this way randomly pulling notes (about 5). When you get to a C, decide if it will be a low or high C.  If it is a low C, remove a ledger line and place the C on it.

  • When all are placed, play the melody while saying the name of the note.  

  • Replace the items and invite the child to make a melody.

Control of Error:  None

Language: None

Following Exercises:

  • Ascending and Descending Scale: Place two staffs side-by-side (ledger line of the left for the left side staff). Layout the white notes in two rows from C to C.  Play the ascending scale and write it on the staff one note at a time. Play the descending scale down the white bells and continue right writing it on the staff.  Play what you write by each bell and say its name while referencing the staff.

  • Composing and Recording a Melody: Lay the two blank staff boards in front of the bells. Remove the new blank notes and ledger lines.  Explain that they are blank so you can place them wherever you like. Play four bells to make a melody.  Repeat it saying the notes aloud and placing them on the staff. Add a few more notes and play the whole tune. Remove the notes and let the child write a song by ear and write it on the staff.

    Note: Once a melody is recorded on the staff, show the child how to copy it onto a piece of staff paper.

  • Prepared Simple Sheet Music: Reading music comes after they can compose their own melody.


Musical Staff I