Dressing Frames: Zipper 

Materials: A Zipper Frame: 12” x 12” (30 cm x 30 cm); with two flaps of fabric attached to the frame which fasten with a zipper


  • Functional Independence

  • Visual Motor Coordination

  • Fine Motor Control

  • Manual Dexterity

Age: 3 ½ - 4

Preparation: None


  • Zipper: to unzip, to zip, pull, teeth, foot, groove, zipper stop



  • Invite one child for the lesson on zipping.

  • Show the child the materials, how to pick up and carry the frame, return it to the shelf and allow the child to bring it to a table.

  • Place on table with the zipper pull at the top

  • Explain what you will do.

  • Grasp the left top of the fabric with the left hand

  • Grasp the pull with the right fingers

  • Zip down to the zipper stop until the fabric releases

  • Briefly open the fabric of the frame and close again


  • Explain what you will do.

  • Pinch the fabric to the left of the foot

  • Pinch the zipper pull and the zipper stop together

  • Place the foot into the groove and pull down

  • Move fingers to grasp the pull and pull up with the left fingers still pinching the left side zip to the top

  • Invite the child and encourage repetition.

  • Fade and observe.

Points of Interest:

  • Holding the stop and the pull together

  • Pulling the foot as far down as it will go in the groove

Following Exercises: 

  • Encourage the child to practice on their own clothing or help a friend with their zipper. 


Dressing Frames: Buckles


Dressing Frames: Shoelaces